Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Recipe: Chicken and Edamame Chowder

This week I made a soup! It's not quite what I expected from a chowder, as it is more of a chicken based soup with lots of tasty vegetables and bacon in it.

Anyways. This is what you need to make it...

1.5 pounds raw chicken
2 cans cream corn (all cans ~14.5 ounces large)
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can chicken broth
3 cups shelled edamames (soy beans, for those not in the know)
1/2 of a chopped onion

First of all you need to dice as much bacon as you'd like into small cubes, or some semblance of small cubes.  Take that and fry it in a pan with the chicken until both are done. (I would not suggest more than one normal sized package of bacon, but beyond that, the amount is more or less up to what you want.)

While this is happening, you'll want to cook your edamame. To do this, you'll have to boil some water, put the edamame in, and then remove them from heat once the water begins to boil. You will also have to shell them, a somewhat time intensive task. However, you don't have to worry about the bacon and chicken remaining warm, so exact timing is unnecessary.

When you have your bacon and chicken cooked and your edamame shelled, simply combine everything in a slow cooker, stir well, and then cook covered on high for about three hours.

Before serving, add seasoning as desired. I would advise a bit of salt, a bit of red pepper flakes, and a good amount of pepper. I'm sure other things would be tasty, as well.

The soup itself is quite good, and I will try it in the future with some different or additional vegetables. With the addition of salt and some spicy seasoning, i.e. red pepper flakes, it becomes a very tasty combination of sweet, salty, and spicy.

Suggestions on things to cook, books to read, and things to write about are most welcome as of the moment.  I'm running out of things to do off the top of my head, so the rest of you need to help me!

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