Monday, December 3, 2012

Book Review: Artemis Fowl

This week's book review is, yet again, on a series of books. And, yet again, the series of books could largely be fit into the fantasy genre. Anyone see a pattern here as to what sorts of books I like?

On the other hand, this series, Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer, is intended mostly for younger readers. This doesn't mean it is bad, or that the writing or plot is immature, simply that the books themselves are much simpler and easier to read then many of the other books I've reviewed so far.

This is both a good thing and a bad thing. It makes the books very easy to read, and they tend to be very enjoyable in the plot department. They can also be read quickly - the eight books in the series never top 300 pages.

Anyways. My advice on reading the series is very simple - you must either read only the first book, or the entire series.

Reading just the first book is for those of you who just want to read a quick, fun, and exciting book that's very simple and straightforward. The plot and premise are both very interesting, and the action, when it happens, is, again, both interesting and well-written.

After that, the other books are largely repeats in terms of quality. To continue reading you need to commit to the rest of the series for two reasons - iterative character development is the keystone of later stories, and the series builds off of itself for additional humor.

By the end of the series, almost all of the humor is inside jokes and the entirety of the plot in the last book centers around the character development - or lack of development - of almost every major character from the rest of the books.

So, yeah, in short, the series is good, the first book is also good, and you should read them, assuming you're all right with the being very simple and straightforward - at least, in comparison to the sorts of things I usually review.

Suggestions, comments, and whatnot can be put down below in the comments section. Hope you enjoyed reading.

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