Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Artist Review: Homestuck

This week's artist is actually more of a webcomic than an artist. Homestuck is a long-running webcomic that can be found here. It's done entirely in MS Paint and/or Flash, and is very good. I'd suggest you read it, assuming you have time to slog through the enormous amount of content available and are either willing or able to get through the first few hundred pages, which are essentially a drawn out data structures joke.

(The plot is also super-complex and difficult to follow at points, and there is more total content to Homestuck than virtually any other webcomic in existence currently. Also, they will be making a video game out of it soon, so if you like video games, you should probably read the webcomic first!)

If you can't or don't wish to read it, that's fine. You can at least enjoy the music, which is awesome. Also, plentiful - Homestuck has released 23 albums to date, and there will be more on the way.

(I may be totally off on that number, as I know for a fact I don't have all of the albums associated with Homestuck. If anyone has a more exact number, please let me know.)

So, what sort of music is this? Well, it's all synthesized stuff. That isn't to say you won't hear some normal instruments, but they're all clips brought over from other music. There is no singing - something which is unusual for me to enjoy, as I usually despise music without a decent singer.

Beyond that, the music varies greatly from song to song. Some will be slow the whole time and be filled with nothing but keyboard and actual synth. Others will be fast-paced and seem to be performed by an actual orchestra.

It's really good. If you can't find something in all of the music to enjoy, you probably don't like music.

And, finally, a pair of links to the only two songs I could easily find on YouTube: SBuban and Descent.

Comments, suggestions, insults, and other bits of text can be dropped in the comments section below. Let me know how you liked the music in the links, eh?

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