Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Artist Review: Lightning Love

Artist review number two!

Lightning Love is a semi-local band to Houghton. That is, they're from Ann Arbor and have played here once for a local concert, which is good enough for me.

Lightning Love was formed in 2007, and they have currently produced three albums - November Birthday, Girls Who Look Like Me, and the Blonde Album. They loosely fall under the genres of pop and indie music. I really, really like them, and November Birthday is one of only a handful of albums that have no songs that I don't enjoy on them.

So, what does Lightning Love actually sound like? Well, the main non-vocal noise in most songs is the keyboard, played by the singer, Leah Diehl. The other two members of the band play guitar and drums, but the bits they play for the songs are usually more stifled than the keyboard parts.

Most songs have an upbeat, fast moving and fast changing background of music with depressing song lyrics about social isolation or lack of self confidence. For instance, the song Friends, one of my favorites off November Birthday, has an amazingly upbeat piano background while the lyrics are describing the singer's group of friends as people who laugh at her and leave her to fend for herself after drinking too much.

The singing itself is, in my opinion, top notch, although this is where you will find the most controversy on the band, at least from what I've seen - some people really like the singer, and some don't. Either way, the background for the songs is excellent, and very nearly worth a listen to by itself.

And now, as per last time, some YouTube links to songs by them that I like, that also happen to be on YouTube: Everyone I Know, Wait, Wait, and Good Time.

Hope you enjoy the music, and good luck hunting for the music if you want it - I haven't had terribly good luck in that arena, myself. (I'm actually still missing most of the music from the latest album. So sad.)

If you have any suggestions, insults, links to awesome music, and/or general comments, feel free to litter them below.

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